It is difficult to detect in the image that you posted. I guess it is dark banding?
If so you will not be able to remove it by CosmeticCorrection.
Explanation: Dark banding is caused by Canon's in-camera preprocessing. The sensor has an optically black area above and left of the actual image data. In my Canon EOS 600D (IIRC in this camera the same sensor is used as in the 60D), the normal image region is width=5202 and height=3465 pixels. The optically black area is 51 pixels above and 142 pixels left of the normal image region. Saturated hot pixels in the left optical black area cause dark banding over the whole width of the image (optically black region + image region). In y-direction these bands are a few pixels wider than the artifact.
You can inspect the optically black area: Enable temporarily the 'No image crop' option in 'Raw Format Preferences' and take a look at the y-region where the banding occurs in the left optically black area.
Actually this sort of banding is removed by a correct image calibration because all sorts of images (light, bias, dark, flat frames) ar affected. If you calibrated the lights with the option 'Optimize', this will be the cause that the banding is not removed totally. In this case try to use matched dark frames, and no bias frames for the calibration.
You can also try the CanonBandingReduction script. If these suggestions don't work, please report again.