Author Topic: Cannot apply mask to Working Image  (Read 511 times)

Offline Bill001

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Cannot apply mask to Working Image
« on: 2019 August 08 17:13:33 »
Sometimes this works but often does not. I create a mask using Range Mask and view it real time. Then I apply it and a working mask is generated. I close the reat-time view then drag the mask onto the working image border but it doesn’t apply.

I read in another thread to enable mask/Enable mask but the option is not available. In my experience those mask setting only work when a mask is applied.

This is on a Mac. I tried closing and rebooting but w fresh startup the mask still will not apply


Offline ngc1535

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Re: Cannot apply mask to Working Image
« Reply #1 on: 2019 August 08 20:59:44 »
Some things to verigy... since you did not explicitly state them (they are somewhat obvious...but you never know).

When you drag your mask to the working (border) image- your mask view/image is still the active view. If you immediately go to the Mask menu- indeed you will not see any options available.
You need to click on the image that you dragged the mask to... *then* check under the Mask to see the options.

The other thing you may have left out- but again it is implied- did the tab on the "working image border" change color to brown? If so the mask is applied. The brown tab is the key.

Given the above you can see a scenario that reproduces your experience. If in the Mask menu it was set to not show the mask and you did not see the options for the correct view... everything you describe would happen. But..again you need to confirm that when you dragged the mask over... the tab turned brown. If it did not turn brown... *then* I think the issue is escalated.
