Personally i see the use of CloneStamp as bad habit in Astro image processing,
however if you want to stamp the same part of an imagecircle over a different location so:
after placing the copy you press Ctrl and left mouse again, this selects the just copied area and you can move this
to another place in the image, if you want to create a copy again press immediately after
placing the copy again the Ctrl button plus left mouse which again selects the just placed image part and move it to another place.
and so and so on...
If you want to copy parts of another image in the active one here the advice:
Load CloneStamp process.
Define "receiving" image/view with:
Click top name-bar of view to get it blue,
Click reset in CloneStamp.
Than, in whatever imageview you press Ctrl + left mouse button
it will be the "sending" image view part!!!
Moving the cursor back to the "receiving" image view, left click the mouse
to the wanted position the circle of the "sending" image will be copied to the
"receiving" image view.
So, you can move different parts of an image or
exactly the same positions/image parts if you take MANUALLY exactly care of the mouse click position in the sending view and in the receiving view for example
to copy better developed parts from one image over the
receiving image.