Author Topic: Camera gain and resolution in Subframe Selector module  (Read 515 times)

Offline niccoc1603

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  • Posts: 42
I have some dobts regarding the two fields Camera Gain and Camera Resolution in the Subframe selector module

My camera QHY183C has a 12 bit resolution and the unity gain in a 12 bit scale is 0.97 e/ADU

So I assume I should select the following in the SS properties

However, when I open the raw FITS I always get the range of 0-65535 (16-bit). Using the BasicCCDParameters script, and setting the Readout Depth to 16 and  "Max ADU" to  65535, the calculated gain is 0.06

So I am wondering if in place of the above 12 bits parametes I should enter the 16bits parameters in the SSelector, or if it does not make any difference at all

Also, why is dark current always "-nan(ind)"?
