Author Topic: PixInsight 1.8.6 Possible fix to Access violation: invalid memory read operation  (Read 959 times)

Offline Palmito

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Hi All,

As many of you, I have been struggling with random crashes on Windows 10 since 1.8.6 update.
I believe I might have found the way to reproduce it on standard environments and workaround until it is fixed.

I had a scale factor set to 125% in display settings.
I have set it to 100% and rebooted, since then I haven't encountered any errors (1h testing using subframe selector script).

Juan, could you please kindly try setting a scale higher than 100% on your testing environment and see if you can reproduce ?

Others, do you also have a scale factor set in display settings?
If so, could you try setting it to 100% and see if it helps...

Clear skies and Cheers!

Offline Pete

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Hi Palmito,
After seeing your post, I reduced display setting from 125% to 100% but PI still crashes.

Offline Palmito

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Hi Pete,
Damn, I really hoped that was it :(
You rebooted your system after changing the setting, right?
Thanks for the feedback!

Offline Pete

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Yes, system rebooted.  During the 7 years I have used PI, new releases installed without any problem but this one is baffling.

Offline Palmito

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Just to follow up on my post.

I have been working all day with PI, processed 2000 subs with subframe selector script.
I have not encountered a single error. Well to be perfectly transparent twice opening a file on a second instance, but those are minor, really.
Overhall, since I changed the scale setting on my setup, 99.9% of the issues are gone.

Juan, I am only trying to help you and others, not being a pain in the neck with unstable os and isolated issues. I still believe, even if my fix didn't help Pete, it should help you reproduce the issue.

Offline Palmito

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Issues started occuring again on my setup yesterday... Please disregard my original post.