Heya everyone,
I've got a weird problem, and maybe I'm misunderstanding how the DrizzleIntegration process works. Let me set up the scenario.
I have six images for CentaurusA in green, the third image has a satellite trail. All of my images are dithered.
1. Cosmetic Correction
2. Star Alignment (registered and drizzle files generated)
3. ImageIntegration
4. Drizzle Integration
I generated a line that is 5 pixels wide using 5-d2seg(15,869,3071,1339) in pixelmath, and applied it as a mask to the third image. It starts at 15 because the image is already registered with star alignment. I then opened the second image, and applied it in Pixelmath to the third image. Satellite trail is gone and replaced with data for the line from the second image, and I'm back to having six good images for my green data.
I then integrate the data using ImageIntegration, and I made sure generate drizzle data is selected to update the drizzle files. I then move on to DrizzleIntegration, and thats where the issue is. When I go to integrate the green data, I'm back to having a satellite trail in the image. I checked the process console, and noticed that it is using the cosmetically corrected files located in a different directory and not the star aligned files for the image. I opened up the xdrz drizzle data file, and saw that the file name ends in _cc, instead of _cc_r. And I'm sure the drizzle files are being updated when I run image integration, as they are the most recently modified files.
Am I misunderstanding the way DrizzleIntegration works and the files it uses? Did I miss a step in updating the drizzle files to use the star aligned images (it doesn't seem so)?
I've attached 3 screenshots of the basic star alignment, image integration and drizzle integration settings I use. If there's any other data (drizzle files or console logs) that might be helpful in solving the problem (if it is indeed a problem), I'd be happy to provide it. If I'm being dense and just missing a simple setting or step, please just point and laugh at me while I bang my head on the desk (but also fill me in what I was missing, please).
Thanks for the help!
Quick edit: the reason I'm using the line masking method is because image integration is not rejected the entire satellite trail on my green data, but was completely successful on rejecting it on my luminance data.