I'm not entirely sure what you are getting at, but you (nearly) always have two options at your disposal on every PixInsight process that you might be working with.
The first is that you can 'reset' a process to its default settings - although these settings are the 'PI defaults', not yours.
The second is that you can save a process (either to one of your Workspaces, or to your filing system). If you then reload the process icon from your filing system, it will be placed on whichever Workspcaes it was associated with, and you can start using that icon to open the desited process window, with the settings that you consider most appropriate for your needs.
The ability to save, load, replay and re-use Process Icons is one of the most powerful features of PixInsight, and one that sets it apart from virtually all other software packages.
If I have misunderstood your original question, making my answer meaningless, please explain your problem further and see if we can help you.