Could this have been made any more a pain? Seriously - email links (assuming we have email on all computers - bad assumption) valid only for one hour with second email code valid only once. Need to repeat for different machines.
A lot of monkeying around for no benefit to the user.
Well, I suppose you will always get some folk who believe that "monkeying around" is of no benefit to the user - but they will fail to appreciate that this monkeying around had to be invoked in direct response to the scumbags who were breaking down they very barriers put in place to protect legitimate users - by making PixInsight the only software that I am aware of that has never stopped growing, exponentially, yet has maintained the very first price that it was released with. Software that, even without email on all machines, can still be ligitimately used on all machines, and nearly all OS environments, that a user has a need to install the software on.
But, hey, if it doesn't suit a user they will usually find that Juan can be quite amenable to refunding the monkeynuts invested in the product.
Just slow down, re-read all of the instructions, and try again. And, if all else fails come back to the Forum and tell us what you have tried and where you think the process has failed.
Just try and remember, all of Juan's "monkeying around" is his best efforts to give you one of the single, most amazing, software packages ever developed. He has been forced to implement these new hoops that we all have to jump through as a protection against all of our intestments in PixInsight.
Give him a chance