Author Topic: Weighting - subframe selector  (Read 1580 times)

Offline ChrisFC

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Weighting - subframe selector
« on: 2018 December 17 23:24:49 »
I'm liking the new subframe selector 'process' in pixinsight. But its made me think about how I calculate weighting for approved lights. In the past I've used a weighting based on the David Ault spreadsheet - a combination of FWHM, Eccentricity & SNRWeight and varying their relative contributions some times. All good.

But now I wondering how much I should scale these overall. At present I'm using a weighting range from 40-100%. So for example - normalised FWHM 35% + Eccentricity 7% + SNRWeight 18% + 40%.

I've noticed some use a range from 0 (no contribution) - 100 %. Given that I'm using a CMOS camera and churn out a few hundred subs, maybe I would be better off being more aggressive -using a 0-100% weighting range ? Any thoughts?