Author Topic: Manual Alignment of LRGB Isolated Comet  (Read 1572 times)

Offline brent1123

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Manual Alignment of LRGB Isolated Comet
« on: 2018 December 17 13:25:44 »
Hello All,

Like many of you, I am churning through data from our recent 46P encounter. In my case I use a monochrome camera with a filter wheel, but lack an electronic focuser, meaning I have to manually refocus for each filter change. This means that instead of automatically and continually cycling through filters in sequence, my L, R, G, and B sets all have the comet in different locations.

I have isolated the comet from the starfield using a few passes of Comet Alignment and have 4 Comet images which are quite devoid of any residual stars, along with 4 quite clean starfields, but now I have no way to combine the L/R/G/B images of the Comet into a final color image.

Does PixInsight have a method of manual alignment?

 - I tried using Comet Align to simply align the LRGB images, but this process uses the time written into the file headers for each sub, which my integrated comet images would not have. Is there a fully manual way to do this, ie mark the Comet manually in all 4 subs and have it align based on that?

Edit: I realise I could easily do this in Photoshop, but in the past exporting an image as a .Tiff and opening it in PS seemed to change the image size slightly as well as introduce a lot of color noise, so I would prefer to avoid this if possible

Offline pfile

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Re: Manual Alignment of LRGB Isolated Comet
« Reply #1 on: 2018 December 17 13:43:02 »
i think maybe this problem could be avoided if you just loaded all the subs into CometAlignment in one pass and let it do the alignment all at once?

but the answer to your question is yes - there is a process called DynamicAlignment. it should suffice to use one of your integrations as a reference, and then one by one register the other filters to the reference using DA. its basically a 1-star alignment so only X/Y translations are possible, but that should be OK.
