Sorry for not being clear.
If I have understand your problem, what you want is a way to measure the intensity of a G2V star to compute the exposure times for each filter in order to compensate for band-pass/transmission/sensor efficiency and have a balanced color at the final RGB image.
So you need the ratios Intensity_red/Intensity_green and Intensity_blue/Intensity_green for the same G2V star, if you want to find how to adjust your red and blue exposures compared to the green filter exposure time.
Is this correct?
IF I have understood well, you want a good way to measure the intensities of the same star in different filters.
One way is to hover the mouse over the same star and note the K value readout located at the status bar. Then Intensity_red/Intensity_green should be approximately K_red/K_green.
What I have suggested earlier is to use the Amplitudes from the PSF fits the DynamicPSF tool provides,
Intensity_red/Intensity_green is approximate to Amplitude_red/Amplitude_green.
Again, I hope I have understood your problem