Author Topic: Loading PSM - *** Error: Parsing ISO 8601 date/time expression: wrong...  (Read 853 times)

Offline nicklin

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32GB ram wasn't enough for some settings I'd erroneously selected so PI effectively crashed. Dragging the last PSM file onto workspace to reset icons gave a few errors:

open "file:///H:/astro/pixinsight/~PI~1M2Z0RWKBKMJKNXS.psm"
Reading 1 file(s):
*** Error: Parsing ISO 8601 date/time expression: wrong number of date components
*** Error: Parsing ISO 8601 date/time expression: wrong number of date components
*** Error: Parsing ISO 8601 date/time expression: wrong number of date components
*** Error: Parsing ISO 8601 date/time expression: wrong number of date components
*** Error: Parsing ISO 8601 date/time expression: wrong number of date components
*** Error: Parsing ISO 8601 date/time expression: wrong number of date components
** Incomplete PSM file reading: 6 icons were not loaded.
* 4 icon(s) loaded.

The icon errors may come from icons I'd moved from WS1 to WS4 but that were back on WS1 after loading the saved project, so they were recreated on WS4 per the PSM file but seen as duplicates so renamed with a suffix of 1.

PI seems highly robust (100% so far in testing), but other forces can result in disaster and it's invaluable to have a robust recovery implementation after disaster strikes. Would be great if PI could detect on startup that there was an open project at crash, and then give the user the option to have the last open project reopened and icons restored correctly across all workspaces similar to recovery in software such as DaVinci Resolve and Adobe products.

Offline pfile

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yes unfortunately this is a longstanding bug i reported to juan maybe a year ago.

hopefully it is fixed in the next release of PI.
