It seems most of the time I try this, the process console shows the following error:
" line 26: TypeError: img is undefined"
I'm just reading in a standard CCDSoft v5 FIT file so why does it think the image is undefined?
In playing around with it, I once got an actual result, although I don't believe the 2 minute subs that it was telling me I needed for an extremely dark site and 8 e- readout noise (Austel model, the other models gave 30sec sky-limited exposure).
Also, I gather it needs a dark subtracted image, which this wasn't. Can the script just ask for a master dark and do the subtraction? Dark subtracted subs are just not something laying around in the PI calibration process (calibrated frames are but they have flats divided out) and it would save some Pixelmath. In any case, I get the same result as described above if I do a Pixelmath dark subtraction first.
I'm guessing its not finding something in the FITS header, but if PI is happy, why isn't the script happy? The script asks you to enter the exposure time of the image.
Thanks for your help.