Author Topic: Drag process to image on Mac Os - PI version Ripley (x64)  (Read 873 times)

Offline fracescodib

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Hi everyone,
I have already read on a previous post about a known problem concerning the drag of the masks on the images. In reality the problem also concerns the drag and drop in general, for example of the process instances icon to the images. This happens on two of my different Mac OS systems, and as far as I understand, to many other Mac users, and the problem seems to be known to developers as early as August 2017, and it is related to an unsolved QT bug.
It's true that it is possible to work using the square icon with the focus on the image, or proceeding with various attempts, but this is in my opinion very boring.
I think that Mac users deserve a definitive solution is found to the problem. Can we hope for a quick solution?
Thanks for understanding.

Offline cionki

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I confirm that on my OSX machines the problem is always present... The drag feature for mask and the application of processes is one of the crucial aspects that are improving the UX of pixinsight. We hope that there will be a solution soon.

Offline pfile

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it's worse than you think - the behavior is part of a workaround juan had to implement to overcome a more serious bug in Qt. it was either the semi-broken drag behavior or no pixinsight for OSX. obviously juan can't necessarily fix core Qt bugs and... the existence of Qt is what allows pixinsight to be a multi-platform project. so we're kind of stuck. the hope is that newer versions of Qt will help solve this issue.


Offline cionki

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Could be an idea to make a request for a fix to the development team of QT? In this case we need to know what is the problem in order to make a fix request.