I use this workflow apart from bias caus I prefer using darks_flats
1- split_cfa on lights, darks, flats, bias
2- Integrate bias_cfa0 to obtain a masterbias_cfa0
3- Integrate darks_cfa0 to obtain a masterdark_cfa0
4- calibrate flats_cfa0 with masterbias_cfa0
5- Integrate flats_cfa0 to obtain a masterflat_cfa0
6- Calibrate lights_cfa0 with masterbias_cfa0, masterdark_cfa0+calibrate, masterflat_cfa0
7-Cosmetic correction using essentially the masterdark_cfa0
8- Subframe_selector for weighting
9- Alignment + drizzle data (with a synthetic star field)
10- Integration
11- Drizzle integration factor 2, 0.9