To prevent these warnings from opening dialog boxes, set the noGUIMessages parameter of the relevant process(es) to true:
- (a) If your process is stored in a process icon, right-click it and select Edit Instance Source Code.
- (b) Or, if you prefer to work directly on a processing interface (tool window), click the Edit Instance Source Code button (square shaped, bottom right corner).
- On the floating code editor window, locate the relevant source code lines; for example:
P001.noGUIMessages = false;
and change them to:
P001.noGUIMessages = true;
- Click the Commit button (green checkmark)
- If you are working on an interface (see option b above), don't forget to generate a new process icon, if necessary/convenient, to store the modified instance.
- Launch your ImageContainer on the modified icon or tool. No dialog boxes should be shown (although warning messages will be written to the console during execution; these warnings cannot be prevented).
See the attached screen shot for an example. All processes pertaining to the Geometry category have noGUIMessages parameters, with the only exception of ChannelMatch.