Author Topic: Insert Fits header data in Annotation  (Read 1850 times)

Offline mhebert

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Insert Fits header data in Annotation
« on: 2018 August 06 16:45:41 »
I often do animations of comets and asteroids. I regret a little that we can not attach to each image constituting the animation the time of the photo or any other data from the fits header.
We can only place a fixed title for all the images using the image container, annotation and process container.
If the annotation tool could accept to print some data of the header as a function for example, rather than static text, I could annotate each frame of the animation with its own shooting time. The final effect could be a rolling counter showing exact time of each frame.
« Last Edit: 2018 August 06 19:37:27 by mhebert »

Offline Andres.Pozo

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Re: Insert Fits header data in Annotation
« Reply #1 on: 2018 August 07 00:08:11 »
The script AnnotateImage can do what you want. The text layer allows to draw the value of any FITS keyword anywhere in the image.

The image must have an astrometric solution in order to use AnnotateImage. You can get it using ImageSolver.

Offline mhebert

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Re: Insert Fits header data in Annotation
« Reply #2 on: 2018 August 09 07:56:01 »
Ah, but where was I when this function was announced ??
Exactly what I'm looking for, as you say!
I've been using the AnnotateImage script for a long time and I've seen from time to time the word "user defined text" at the bottom layer, but I do not know what he could do. I thought it was strictly for something related to the identification of stars or other DSO's on our images, or some other data from personal star catalogs.
I just tested it and I note the most important: this script can run once in the container process and the container image, which is essential to name hundreds of images at a time.

A little annoying that the images must have astrometric solution, but it does the work anyway, congratulations Mr. Pozo!
When I think it's been years that I deprive myself of dating my animations .... tssk tssk...

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