I am having an issue calibrating my light frames. I attached a screen shot of 4 different methods I tried. As you can see, none are perfect. First, the camera is a QHY-178C OSC which has significant "amp" glow. Normal for this camera. The 4 images are the same light frame just calibrated differently in each case. For calibration I used 100 bias frames and 6 dark frames. The lights and darks were all exposed for 300s with the same camera gain (0) and offset (30). Also, all frames were taken with the camera cooled and stable at -15C.
So what is the problem? Well normally, I would calibrate the individual dark frames with the master bias an then integrate the master dark. I did that in the lower 2 photos in the screen shot. Both were calibrated with the dark calibrate option disabled (since I already calibrated the dark frames). The one on the left has dark "optimization" turned on with default settings and the one on the right has optimization OFF. In my case dark optimization is MUCH worse for some reason. The temperature, gain, exposure are all equal. I'm not sure why optimization is doing this. Regardless, even with dark optimization off the calibration is poor. You can still see some of the glow in the upper right.
The top 2 photos were done differently. I did not calibrate the dark frames with the bias, simply integrated the dark master using the frames as is. Then when I calibrated the light frames I used the calibrate option there. Again, with optimization ON (much worse) and OFF. As you can see, dark optimization is not my friend.
So why do I get such bad results when I calibrate the dark frames before integration? Also, why does dark optimization work so poorly with my images? After this test I've settled on uncalibrated dark frames and using the calibrate option in image calibration with optimization off. I get the best results but still not perfect.
BTW, I used STF stretch on all for images in the screen shot. I can post the actual images if it helps.