Author Topic: Giant Histogram Transformation Window Covers the whole screen plus  (Read 1728 times)

Offline SeattleStarGazer

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Running Windows 10 latest version on 4k resolution monitor. The HT window now opens to cover the full screen plus - I'd guess I'd need a 40" monitor at least to see the whole thing. See attachment. I've tried disabling automatic scaling, everything is then tiny except HT!  I've tried the PI Reinstall repair option - no go. Pretty much unusable at this point.

Also, the programs insists on opening in full screen mode, instead of full desktop, despite changing that a number of times

Should I do an uninstall and resinstall? This is the only misbehaving app


Offline msmythers

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You could try reseting the PI from the start menu. This will bring PI back to the original settings as installed with having to go through all of the uninstall-reinstall. Here is a screen shot of what your looking for in Windows 10. I purposely made HT go beyond the PI borders, change the scaling to way off and increased the font resolution so PI was a mess. The reset brought everything back to normal. If fonts are too small then you can try increasing them in PI with the Font Resolution setting. I like mine small even though I have a 2K monitor.


Offline SeattleStarGazer

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Yay it worked! Plus I may have found the cause. I have a dual monitor system, once screen 4k the other 1920x1080. PI does not accurately rescale between screens. It gets bigger - too big - on the 1920x1080 monitor. Including the HT window. The problem is, the HTY window does NOT go back to the correct scaling when I move PI back to the Hi-Res screen! Looks like I'll need to stay on the Hi Res monitor unless/until this is resolved.


Offline msmythers

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Glad that worked for you :)
