Author Topic: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras  (Read 5443 times)

Offline jhayes_tucson

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #30 on: 2018 August 09 11:39:52 »
so that's what i was saying - 2.0 is the default ransac tolerance. it seems you must have some saved process icons that you're loading SA from?

something that's weird in all of this is that i swore that SA could handle mirrored images as well, but it appears that's not the case, at least here.


I've never touched the RANSAC tolerance parameter and I thought that zero was the default.  I just opened the process and that's how it's set, but now I know...

Offline jhayes_tucson

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Re: Combining Images from 2 Different cameras
« Reply #31 on: 2018 August 09 11:41:18 »

I've had some images work when they are flipped or other cardinal rotations and some that don't. I think the noise and or hot pixels are the probable problem. I just got into the practice of doing a fast rotation(no interpolation) for all images effected in a set to make life easier especially since I like to use Blink before doing any calibration.


I've had the same experience.  Sometimes it works and sometimes not so I often do the fast rotation first.