Author Topic: Synthetic Lum or Filtered Lum  (Read 1780 times)

Offline Batch

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Synthetic Lum or Filtered Lum
« on: 2018 July 14 15:21:48 »
Over the past couple of years I have developed an interest in NB imaging and find that I now image most targets almost exclusively in NB (I may also add a small amount of RGB to correct the star colors). For processing purposes (and to allocate more acquisition time to NB) I have been creating a synthetic LUM using various combination of the NB Masters . This has proven pretty effective but I am wondering if I would get better results if I shot a series of LUM subs and if so how significant is the improvement?. So my question is should I take the time to image a separate LUM series and use it combined with the NB instead of using a synthetic LUM? Thanks


Offline RickS

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Re: Synthetic Lum or Filtered Lum
« Reply #1 on: 2018 July 14 16:37:51 »
Hi Batch,

I also combine the NB masters to produce synthetic lum.  I don't think "real" lum is going to match the NB colour very well.


Offline pfile

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Re: Synthetic Lum or Filtered Lum
« Reply #2 on: 2018 July 14 16:49:22 »
are you in a high LP area?

i think one problem with the idea of using a real L image is that the bandwidth of the L image is enormous compared to the NB image. so you're going to pick up stuff that has been filtered out of the NB images with the L and if you have any sort of LP going on the L is really going to contain a bunch of extraneous light, for which you have no color info in the NB channels used to make the RGB...
