Hi All,
Have recently gone through the process of registering and stacking a series of LRGB and HSO images taken over a few nights. No probs, the images stack well. The process for registering was using one great LUM image as my reference in image registration for all the series (this worked much better than registering in batches based on filter).
My question (for which I am certain there will be a ridiculously easy answer) is when cropping, I use DynamicCrop to size based off my 'worst' image edges but the resultant images do not then align (if that makes sense). So for example, if I crop the LUM and Ha using the new instance feature, the stars are out of whack from each other. In products like After Effects (I do post production work among other things) aligning one over the other is pretty straight forward but I am having a seniors moment with this.
I suspect the answer is somewhere in moving the centre x, y / anchor x, y point but am not certain. Unfortunately, the internet assumes that noobs like me would know how to crop an image so that the different images align and so I couldn't find much on this particular problem.
Of course, it's always a bit embarrassing posting a question to a group of highly skilled folks so please forgive in advance.