Hi guys, probably a first time poster, I only manage perhaps 3 images a year due to commitments, and I get a bit rusty with the processing side of things! Im having trouble processing one of my LRGB images. I can't pull any decent colour out of it. I can process the Luminance no problem, and if I combine ONLY the RGB I can manage to get acceptable colour out of it, but when I do a LRGB combination, it doesn't work....I don't have much RGB data, only having a play with the colour data until I gather more.
My initial general workflow is (after calibration, registration, integration etc..)
LRGB Combination
DBE/Background Neutralisation
Colour Calibration
I have 15 hours of luminance, but only 45 minutes each of RGB, hoping to get more soon. If anyone can give me some pointers or have a play with my data that would be really appreciated. Maybe I just haven acquired enough RGB data yet?
I have a dropbox link to the linear integrations, L,R,G,B, and a rough stretch of the RGB data, and also my failed LRGB combination.