Author Topic: Help with colour processing  (Read 2748 times)

Offline e_ri_k

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Help with colour processing
« on: 2019 July 05 04:30:52 »
Hi guys, probably a first time poster, I only manage perhaps 3 images a year due to commitments, and I get a bit rusty with the processing side of things! Im having trouble processing one of my LRGB images. I can't pull any decent colour out of it. I can process the Luminance no problem, and if I combine ONLY the RGB I can manage to get acceptable colour out of it, but when I do a LRGB combination, it doesn't work....I don't have much RGB data, only having a play with the colour data until I gather more.

My initial general workflow is (after calibration, registration, integration etc..)
LRGB Combination
DBE/Background Neutralisation
Colour Calibration

I have 15 hours of luminance, but only 45 minutes each of RGB, hoping to get more soon. If anyone can give me some pointers or have a play with my data that would be really appreciated. Maybe I just haven acquired enough RGB data yet?

I have a dropbox link to the linear integrations, L,R,G,B, and a rough stretch of the RGB data, and also my failed LRGB combination.


Offline nandita.archer

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Re: Help with colour processing
« Reply #1 on: 2019 July 11 00:44:05 »

              I just took a basic look at your individual RGB files and there seems to be a lot hot/cold pixels in them, where as your Luminance is practically free of them. Did you follow the same steps you performed in the pre-processing phases( Calibration, Cosmetic correction) as that of the Luminance? RGB combination leads to a color image full of color full hot pixels and that makes me wonder if there were calibration issues with the RGB files. Or maybe 45 mins per R,G,B channel was not enough to overcome the noise  :tongue:. I am sure the experts will offer their advice to you.

P.S : Beautiful Luminance data btw  :D
« Last Edit: 2019 July 11 18:06:27 by nandita.archer »

Offline e_ri_k

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Re: Help with colour processing
« Reply #2 on: 2019 July 12 22:27:35 »
Hi Nandita, thanks for having a look at my data. Yeah so, I did notice the RGB frames are quite noisy, maybe it’s that, but they appeared to calibrate fine? It feels like there’s too much luminance, which I know doesn’t make sense, maybe not enough RGB instead....

I was going to try binning the RGB next time...
