Author Topic: Core Settings  (Read 1820 times)

Offline rdryfoos

  • PixInsight Old Hand
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Core Settings
« on: 2018 March 13 07:09:54 »
I am using PI on a high resolution monitor that is smaller than 27 inches.  The global preferences setting of auto scaling renders the work space, fonts and tools to large.  The Histogram Transformation tool extends beyond the bottom of the screen and is therefore unusable.  Changing my computer APP sizes does not effect PI.  If I switch off the auto UI scaling PI uses 1.0--which is way, way too small--I can hardly see the tools and fonts.  BUT--it warns that changing the 1.0 scaling factor may render the core unusable.  Please help--I can't use it now but am worried if I try I won't be able to open PI to change it.
