I do not know if this is a bug. I have 109 subs for comet 2016/R2 PanSTARRS. After loading them into CometAlignment they are not in order by datetime taken. Sub #96 is taken as the first image and #95 as the last image. I've attached screenshots of FITSHeader for those two images. For #95 the value for DATE-OBS is correct (US central standard time + 6). For #96 however, DATE-OBS shows the time as US central standard time + 0. Camera used is a Canon T6i and CR2 to XISF done in PixInsight only. The CR2 filename was created using EXIFTool to include date and time. Frames after #96 all have DATE-OBS as central standard time + 0. So, they are at the top of the list.