Author Topic: Extended SubframeSelector with some variables for easier weighting  (Read 3120 times)

Offline Matariki

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today I extended the SubframeSelector because it really grinded my gears to get the weighting expression going. My workflow was to manually determine the min/max values for FWHM, Eccentricity and SNRWeight and then do a normalization on it with manually entered values for each set of images...

I have now added some variables to the weighting formula now to make things easiert: MinFWHM, MaxFWHM, MinEccentricity, MaxEccentricity, MinSNRWeight and MaxSNRWeight.I can now use the formula like below.

Code: [Select]
40*(1-(FWHM-MinFWHM)/(MaxFWHM-MinFWHM)) + 30*(1-((Eccentricity-MinEccentricity)/(MaxEccentricity-MinEccentricity))) + 20*(SNRWeight-MinSNRWeight)/(MaxSNRWeight-MinSNRWeight) + 10
This bothered me really for a long time and I wonder why no one fixed this "problem" before me, hehe. Does anyone know what the best way is to distrubute changes like this?

Here a screenshot:

Offline Niall Saunders

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You seem to have put quite some effort into extending the original script to suit your requirements.

Why don't you make the modified script available for download so other interested users can try the modifications out for themselves?

Further - have you tried to contact the original script author (sorry, I am not in front of a PixInsight PC at the moment, so I can't check this for you). If you do make contact, and they can see the benefit of the extensions to their original code, then they could incorporate this 'at source' and it could maje it's way back to the PTeam for inclusion with further PixInsight updates (note that we have an imminent release of a major code revision, so now is the time to get things 'in motion' so that the code can be vetted for inclusion with that release.

Hope this helps.
Niall Saunders
Clinterty Observatories
Aberdeen, UK

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Offline pfile

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mschuster is the author, you can send him a PM and see if he wants to review the changes.


Offline mschuster

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Hi Matariki

dvonhand has a pending submission that adds this functionality, or much like it. Plan is to merge this into the upcoming 1.8.5 release.


Offline Astrodoc

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Mike, do you have any update for if/when the script will incorporate the additional variables (min/max values) discussed in this thread? I have 1.8.5, but these variables don't seem to have been added. Thanks for all your great scripts!

Clear skies,
Clear skies,

Offline rjbokleman

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+1  This would be a great improvement as this part of the SubframeSelector script is very time consuming. 

Offline dwormuth

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Bump. Any time frame?

Offline mschuster

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I was going to do this, but leaving the hobby now.

cameronleger's PCL module may do this.

Offline dwormuth

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Sorry to hear that you're leaving the hobby. SFS is very helpful, thanks for the contribution.

Would it be OK to post the code to GitHub and continue to develop it?

Offline mschuster

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You are welcome. Available on GitHub in PixInsight/PJSR. Contact Juan for contributor access.

Offline dwormuth

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FYI for those following this thread, there is variant discussed on this thread that runs SubframeSelector as a process:

Pointing this our only for others interested in this great tool.

Thanks again Mike.