Author Topic: Save as Bug  (Read 4616 times)

Offline mmirot

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Save as Bug
« on: 2009 June 05 18:34:49 »
I tried to save TIFF from a FIT file on the desktop.
It asks if i want to overwrite file of the same name.
I have no TIFF of that name
I am using Save AS drop down Box with TIFF selected.

I needed to change the images name to save the file as a TIFF otherwise it will only save as a FIT. 


Offline Fco. Bosch

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Re: Save as Bug
« Reply #1 on: 2009 June 06 09:36:20 »
It's strange; I have tried now to save a *.fit file as a *.tiff file, and the software save it as *.tif; then I have saved tha same *.fit as a *.tiff addind a "f" to the extension, and too all is OK.
Fco. Bosch

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Re: Save as Bug
« Reply #2 on: 2009 June 08 19:23:48 »
Yeah, save-as is a little strange. It seems that the code looks at the extension of the saved file to determine what format you wanted. But then when you change the format it doesn't change the extension in the file name. So save-as on you should just leave the extension drop down alone and manually change the extension in the file name to .png or .tif or whatever.

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Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Save as Bug
« Reply #3 on: 2009 June 11 16:48:59 »
Thanks for detecting this problem. I'm working to fix it in PI 1.5.3.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Save as Bug
« Reply #4 on: 2009 June 12 09:44:41 »
Hi Max and Sander,

On which version of PixInsight are you seeing this behavior? It was a Windows-only issue that I fixed in version 1.5 (or that was the intent).

I can't reproduce it on 1.5.2; the file type selection is honored in all cases.

Francisco, what you say about selecting .tif instead of .tiff is a know problem, but it is, AFAIK, impossible to fix. This happens on Windows when you have the "Hide extensions for known file types" (Ocultar extensiones para tipos de archivo conocidos) option enabled on Windows Explorer. With this option enabled (and it is enabled by default), Windows hides file extensions not only to the user, but also to applications that allow the user to select files using native file dialogs. In this way, PI has no way to know the exact file extension you typed in; it can only guess a file type from the selection you made on the file type combo box of the Save As dialog.

This "hide extensions" option is one of those things that really make me dislike Windows. I cannot understand what this option is intended for, other than creating problems. I see no point in hiding something as essential as a file extension.

I strongly recommend, when possible, using multiplatform file dialogs in PixInsight on Windows, instead of native file dialogs. To enable multiplatform file dialogs, do the following:

- Select Edit > Global Preferences.
- Select File I/O Settings (left panel).
- Uncheck the "Use native dialogs" option.
- Press F6 to execute globally.

Behavior of multiplatform file dialogs is 100% predictable and issue-free; they are preferable to native Windows dialogs, in my opinion.

Anyway I'll try to detect and fix any pending issues with native Windows file dialogs. Thank you for your reports.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Fco. Bosch

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Re: Save as Bug
« Reply #5 on: 2009 June 12 13:31:40 »
Hi Juan; in the windows explorer I have the option "Hide extensions for known file types" disabled (in "opciones de carpeta " "ver"). I have tried "save as" as you say modifiyng the global preferences in PI, and the behaviour of Pi is the same in both cases. I can save as *.tif, and if I want save as *.tiff, I add a "f" to the extension, and in both cases the image is saved OK.

Mind that I only answered to Max, who said that he can`t save a *.fit image as a *.tiff without to change the name. I said him that I can save a *.fit without problem as a *.tif, and adding manually a "f" as a *.tiff. Is true also that the extension can be modified otherwise, as say Sander.

Fco. Bosch

Offline Fco. Bosch

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Re: Save as Bug
« Reply #6 on: 2009 June 12 14:13:57 »
Hi Juan, another time; I'm not sure if all that is a mistake!

Sander sais that
So save-as on you should just leave the extension drop down alone and manually change the extension in the file name to .png or .tif or whatever

And that is true; but the software save the file as the file of the extension drop down, not as the file that you manually change!

And is also true, as I said, that you can modify within the same generic type (tif or tiff; jpg or jpeg;  and so ...) the extension manually; and then I don't know how Pi saves the file ...

I`m sorry

Fco. Bosch