have a look at these screen grabs of the flats and dark taken on the same night as the IC434 light.
camera AA183C hypercam USB3 running on a HP USB2.0 port. WIn 7 pro.
the problem im having is up until 3 weeks ago everything that was calibrated in the script turned out deep green R GG B , which is great but now out of nowhere the final light binning XISF is dark red. now if you look closely at the debayered DARK its has these bad horizontal banding pink and green , i think this is some kind of indicator.
all that i can see is maybe its the LED drafting board and t-shirt as a source of light is causing it , but if this is true then why does debayering the flat make it Green as i would expect.
it has to be in the calibration script. so i did it manually using just the debayer / starAlign / intergrate and still it turn out red... so it has to be in the Batch processing script.
any one seen this??