Author Topic: HFG1 and Abell 6 in HaOiiiRGB  (Read 1009 times)

Offline RickS

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HFG1 and Abell 6 in HaOiiiRGB
« on: 2018 February 05 23:28:48 »
A couple of planetary nebulae, Heckathorn-Fesen-Gull 1 at lower left and Abell 6 at top right.

Captured at SRO, Aug-Dec, 2017

Scope: Ceravolo C300 @ f/4.9 = 1470mm FL
Mount: AP1100
Camera: FLI PL16803
Filters: Astrodon
Guiding: Lodestar II / Tak guide scope
Image scale: 1.26 arcsec/pixel (Drizzled to double res)
Exposures: 19x300s R, 20x300s G, 22x300s B, 50x1800s Ha, 49x1800s Oiii (~55 hours)
Processing: PixInsight 1.8.5

Processing credit: Rick Stevenson
Acquisition credit: Scott Johnson, Augusto Hernandez, John Kasianowicz, Daniele Malleo, Jose Mtanous and Rick Stevenson

Offline ngc1535

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Re: HFG1 and Abell 6 in HaOiiiRGB
« Reply #1 on: 2018 February 06 12:25:45 »
Narrowband data always provides such nice contrast compared to straight RGB...
beautiful work.

Offline RickS

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Re: HFG1 and Abell 6 in HaOiiiRGB
« Reply #2 on: 2018 February 06 13:00:58 »
Thanks, Adam!