Author Topic: Increasing background during imaging  (Read 1955 times)

Offline dhickey

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Increasing background during imaging
« on: 2018 January 27 06:51:00 »
I'm sure this has been asked before but I don't seem to be able to describe it in the right words for a search engine to find it.  I'm in a red zone for light pollution, almost white.  Imaging with an ASI1600MM I can start an imaging session with about 1700 ADU as the median background.  By the end, the background is up to about 3000 ADU as the target moves across the sky towards the glow from the city.  What is the recommended post processing method to handle such an increasing gradient over the course of an imaging session?  I've tried LocalNormalization and it does help a bit but I'm not sure if there is something else I should be doing as well.  I don't expect miracles given the sky conditions, just looking to mitigate it as much as I can.


Offline pfile

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Re: Increasing background during imaging
« Reply #1 on: 2018 January 27 08:34:10 »
i would not worry about this at all, letting the regular frame normalization handle it during integration.

if you end up with LP gradients, then a careful DBE to the master after integration should take care of the problem.


Offline dhickey

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Re: Increasing background during imaging
« Reply #2 on: 2018 January 27 09:50:42 »
Great, thanks.  That's what I've been doing so far but wasn't sure if there might be any other steps that would be beneficial as well.
