Author Topic: HDR Composition Script  (Read 24241 times)

Offline Nocturnal

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HDR Composition Script
« Reply #15 on: 2008 December 24 19:36:44 »
Hi Jack,

I combined stacked and calibrated but  unprocessed FITS files, not stretched jpegs. I'm not sure if that's important. I can recommend uploading your images to . It's a free service, 25 GB storage in 50 MB chunks. I do have Skype (qadude) but I'm not sure if that's a good way to transfer large files but you're welcome to try.

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Offline Jack Harvey

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« Reply #16 on: 2008 December 25 07:07:32 »
Won't work with fits images either.  Wonder if its the version that is with the OS system????
Jack Harvey, PTeam Member
Team Leader, SSRO/PROMPT Imaging Team, CTIO

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HDR Composition Script
« Reply #17 on: 2008 December 25 08:22:24 »
Sander got the HDR to run on my images so it might most likely be a bug in the OS version???
Jack Harvey, PTeam Member
Team Leader, SSRO/PROMPT Imaging Team, CTIO

Offline Jack Harvey

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HDR Composition Script
« Reply #18 on: 2008 December 28 08:53:27 »
Today again tried to do an HDR on a couple of 2 Mb tif images and again all I get with the Mac OS is the watch grinding away forever.  No result.  These are pretty small images and should have been done ASAP so must be a bug.
Jack Harvey, PTeam Member
Team Leader, SSRO/PROMPT Imaging Team, CTIO

Offline Juan Conejero

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HDR Composition Script
« Reply #19 on: 2008 December 28 11:40:02 »

I have tried the script with your images (from the Picassa album), and I've found a couple things:

- First, there is an error in the script source code that has been bundled with the Mac OS X release (version; I have to check if the same problem is present in the current Windows and Linux versions, but I think it isn't). To fix this problem, please do the following:

1. Open the Processing Console window. Then enter the following command in the command line (better copy and paste from this post to avoid errors):

Code: [Select]
open /Applications/

2. The command above will open the script's source code file and load it in the Script Editor window. On the Script Editor, scroll to the bottom of the text and locate a line that is exactly like this:

Code: [Select]
if ( data.images < 2 )

It's line number 1273 (you can see the current line number written at the bottom of the Script Editor window.

3. Edit line 1273 above to change it as follows:

Code: [Select]
if ( data.images.length < 2 )

4. Save the script file by selecting File > Save on Script Editor's menu, ** not ** on PixInsight's main menu!

5. Now you can run the script as usual (Script > Utilities > ...)

- The second thing that I've found is that the script certainly takes a long time to process your images. I guess this happens because the script is iterating on every pixel of the images. Keep in mind that a script is interpreted JavaScript code, not native code that executes directly on the processor, so it is necessarily slow. If you have the patience to wait, the script will do its job. On my Mac it has taken about two minutes with your images.

Anyway, we'll try to improve the script to overcome this problem. Or maybe we'll have better news regarding HDR composition, but my lips are sealed  8)
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Jack Harvey

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HDR Composition Script
« Reply #20 on: 2008 December 29 07:03:58 »
Hooray!  Thanks
Jack Harvey, PTeam Member
Team Leader, SSRO/PROMPT Imaging Team, CTIO

Offline ManoloL

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Re: HDR Composition Script
« Reply #21 on: 2009 August 05 13:34:22 »
Hola a todos:

Recientemente he comenzado a captar imágenes con una CCD en color (QHY8) y uno de los primeros trabajos que puedo mostrar sin avergonzarme es una M31.
En el procesado de dicha imagen he utilizado el script, pero me he encontrado unos hechos llamativos en las imágenes.
A continuación muestro un recorte muy aumentado de una de las exposiciones, ya debayerizada, de 15 minutos de la zona de transición al núcleo saturado de la galaxia:

en ella aparecen unos anillos coloreados en la zona de transición.
El origen de estos artefactos se entiende al observar el mismo recorte de la imagen sin debayerizar:

Se puede ver como los sensores de los distintos colores tienen una sensibilidad muy diferente al color del nucleo que en principio se puede considerar como blanco.
Según se acerca al núcleo primero se saturan los rojos, luego los verdes y finalmente los azules. Ello provoca los anillos citados. De hecho he visto que empiezan a saturarse los pixeles rojos mientras los colindantes de azul no llegan al 50% de saturación.
En el procesado con el script con los parámetros por defecto me aparecia un llamativo anillo azul alrededor del nucleo.
Bajando los valores de los parámetros de la iluminación alta, y el valor para generar la máscara he mejorado algo la imagen, aunque sigo percibiendo algunas coloraciones extrañas en las zonas donde la imagen de la exposición larga ha sido sustituida por la de las exposiciones más cortas.
Lógicamente pienso que hay que generar una máscara que haga sustituir a los pixeles en cuanto uno de los canales este saturado, pero como los otros dos no lo estan y supongo que se usa la luminancia para el cálculo de la máscara, hay que ser más conservador y disminuir su valor, viendo la lúminancia que tienen los primeros píxeles con el canal rojo saturado.
El hecho de que los resultados son mejores bajando los parámetros del mapa de iluminación alta, es algo que he observado mediante sucesivas pruebas, pero no alcanzo a explicarme los motivos por los que ocurre
Espero que unas explicaciones y unos consejos al respecto no distraigan demasiado de sus ocupaciones a Vicent.

Hello everyone:

I apologize for not being able to correct all the mistakes of the automatic translator

I have recently begun to capture images with a color CCD (QHY8) and one of the first works that I can show without embarrassing that he is an M31
In the processing of the image I used the script, but I found some striking facts in the images.
Below shows a very grown from a cutting of the exhibits, and debayerized of 15 minutes of the transition zone to the saturated core of the galaxy:

There are some colored rings at the transition.
The origin of these artifacts are meant to observe the same cut of the image without debayericer:

You can see how the sensors of different colors have different sensitivity to the color of the nucleus which in principle can be seen as white.
As it nears the core will saturate first red, then green and finally blue. This causes the rings above. In fact I've seen that start to saturate the red pixels while the adjacent blue do not reach 50% saturation.
In the processing script with the default settings, I found a striking blue ring around the core.
Lowering the values of the parameters of the high illumination, and the value to generate the mask image I have improved somewhat, but I receive some strange colors in the areas where the image of the long exposure has been replaced with shorter exposures .
Obviously I believe that we must create a mask that makes replacing the pixels in one of the channels that saturated, but as the other two are not suppose to be used for calculating the luminance of the mask, let's be more conservative and decrease its value, seeing that the luminance pixels are first saturated with the red channel.
The fact that the results are better by reducing the parameters of the map of high-lighting, is something that I have observed through successive tests, but fail to explain why that happens.
I hope that some explanations and advice in this respect does not distract too much from their occupations to Vicent.



Manolo L.