I'm (attempting to) move from DSS/Photoshop to PI, and have to say that the blink/move/stack process is very counter-intuitive and really messes up my directory structure and file handling. I don't WANT to have to move good images somewhere else in order to stack them. It would be nice if the image preview was just available in the stacking batch dialog so that I can make the decisions of which images to use as I'm setting up the stack. Alternately, a very simple fix would be to let me check the desired images in the blink tool and just copy the desired list including complete paths into the stack dialog. Please don't make me move things around on my hard drive in order to be able to use the tools.
And I know I'm not the first one to comment on how counter-intuitive the whole check vs. select thing is. I couldn't even tell what use the checkboxes have. At a minimum, please add a right click menu or the like to "Select all checked". Don't make me MANUALLY go through and shift-select every file. That's software's job!!!