Author Topic: Error: Missing required LocationEstimates element  (Read 1466 times)

Offline jtrezzo

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Error: Missing required LocationEstimates element
« on: 2017 November 29 21:10:51 »
I keep getting this error when trying to do DrizzleIntegration. I've tried it on multiple sets of data, including through the BPP script. Any idea why this would happen?

Offline clestington

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Re: Error: Missing required LocationEstimates element
« Reply #1 on: 2017 December 28 01:52:20 »
Hi jtrezzo

i have this issue to, but just if I use batch preprocessing script and trying to drizzle the results from this script.
If I do the registration and integration part with the procecces it works without an error.

Do you still have this problem?

In this case the batch pre processing is kind of useless for me. May I just use it the wrong way..


Offline clestington

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Re: Error: Missing required LocationEstimates element
« Reply #2 on: 2017 December 28 02:29:49 »
I got a clue...

so basically the batch preprocessing script is just to make live easier for the whole calibration process.
The integration needs to be done by hand to achieve the best possible result, playing around with the rejection parameters...

If I now take the registered files and the drizzle files produced by batch preprocessing script, and make an other integration loop (including updating the drizzle files) the updated drizzle files can now be used with drizzle process without an error message.

Therefore I recommend to take a look at the generated light master (and rejection images) form batch preprocessing script and decide how to adjust the parameters. After integration you can do the drizzle integration with no problems.

In this case it is not an issue for me anymore... hope for you too...

best regards

ps: I normally youse this script to get a brief overview of the results.
Afterwards I start again with the calibrated images (not debayered in case of color array sensor):

1) Cosmetic Correction
2) Batch Debayer
3) Subframe Selector
4) Star Alignment
5) Local Normalization
6) Image Integration
7) Drizzle Integration

=> I attached the processes I use for this as a zip. I do this strongly after (thx to Kayron Mercieca)