Author Topic: Cool M33 Triangulum Galaxy  (Read 1166 times)

Offline topboxman

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Cool M33 Triangulum Galaxy
« on: 2017 November 25 16:13:47 »

M33 Triangulum Galaxy. RGB + Luminance. 0.93"/pixel image scale. Taken from my light polluted backyard in Reno, Nevada.

Astrodon Red filter, 12 x 5 minutes, 1x1. 11/17/2017.
Astrodon Green filter, 12 x 5 minutes, 1x1. 11/17/2017.
Astrodon Blue filter, 12 x 5 minutes, 1x1. 11/17/2017.
Astrodon Lum filter, 36 x 5 minutes, 1x1. 11/17/2017.

TEC 140 APO F/7 with TEC Field Flattener, Astro-Physics A-P1100GTO GEM. QSI660wsg. OAG and Ultrastar autoguider, Optec Handy Stepper Motor focuser.

Captured and automated with SGP. Calibration (including Dark Subtraction) and Post-processed with PixInsight. PHD2 settings: RA Aggressiveness: 60, RA Hysteresis: 10, Max RA/Dec Duration: 2000, Min Move: 0.45, Calibration Steps: 250msec, Auto/Resist Switching, 1 sec guiding exposure.

SGP version and latest PHD2 2.6.4dev4 were used.

At first I didn't want to image because it was pretty cold outside but the forecast for the next few days was not promising so I imaged M33 last night. It was one of the better nights, the seeing was not spectacular but it was not bad. FWHM varied between 2" and 3". Here are the best FWHM details for each filter:

Red: 2.640"
Green: 2.074"
Blue: 2.325"
Lum: 2.428"

Using Unihedron sky quality device, the sky quality was 19.13 mags/arsec^2.

No dithering because I felt my Sony ICX-694 CCD QSI camera has super low dark current and very little to no FPN. No cropping was done. Guiding was fantastic that at first I accidentally didn't do Star Alignments before stacking and didn't notice bad stacking but I re-did stacking anyway by doing Star Alignments first.

Since Declination of M33 (30 degrees) was lower than my local latitude (almost 40 degrees), Meridian flipping was not necessary.

I was using Astrodon I-Series filters instead of the recommended E-Series filters for Sony ICX-XXX CCDs. I have both sets of filters and this was my first time using I-Series filters and I could not tell much difference between I-Series and E-Series filters.
