My standard workflow for constructing a mosaic has always been to create a rough mosaic with
StarAlignment, with working mode set to "
Register/Union - Mosaic" and "
Frame adaptation" enabled. I then use
StarAlignment again on the individual panels to align them to the rough mosaic with working mode "
Register/Union - Separate", thereby resulting in all my panels being placed on a black image the size of the full mosaic. These are then put into
GradientMergeMosaic, where the real mosaic construction happens. Of course, I end up spending upwards of an hour deleting stars by painting black over them so that the mosaic comes out right.
Now it seems, I'm using the same
StarAlignment options as I always do but the aforementioned rough mosaic comes out without any seams, with nice equalised backgrounds, processes faster and the process seems to more easily pick up the joining points without the need for me to help with preview boxes. I'm not complaining by any means, but I'm wondering if there has been any work on
StarAlignment to improve its mosaic construction capabilities and if so, what the future plans for it are! Thank you!