Author Topic: Minor suggestion for the JS scripts that are supplied (and for future scripts)..  (Read 6603 times)

Offline Cheyenne

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This is real minor, but it would be nice if the scripts would simply write out the settings that were entered in their dialogs to the process console.  That way if one needs to re-run the script they can see what was used.

Cheyenne Wills
Takahashi 130 TOA
Losmandy G11
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Offline georg.viehoever

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this actually goes in the same direction as my question in Currently, the Settings of a script are not stores in the processing history, and thus it is impossible to run them again with the same settings (e.g. on an Image Container or a different image).

I have no solution yet.

Georg (6 inch Newton, unmodified Canon EOS40D+80D, unguided EQ5 mount)

Offline Cheyenne

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Yeah.. that was why my solution is to simply have the script writers just echo the values of the parameters so that it shows up in the process console log.  Not perfect, but easy to implement.
Cheyenne Wills
Takahashi 130 TOA
Losmandy G11
Canon 20Da
SBIG ST-i + openPHD for autoguiding

Offline David Serrano

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Scripts aren't PixInsight processes, so you can't take instances of them, and their parameters can't be stored anywhere that I know of. The supplied ones can be modified to make use of the Settings PJSR object to store the latest set of parameters specified (or even older ones too, if desired), but there's no easy and convenient way to store them in a place comparable to .psm files. What I usually do is take note of the relevant information into one of my process icons, like "Following this process, do a MaskedStretchTransform with the following parameters: foo -> 42, bar -> 69".
 David Serrano

Offline Cheyenne

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There is the process console log which can be "captured" or at least viewed.  My suggestion just makes it easier to "take notes". 
Cheyenne Wills
Takahashi 130 TOA
Losmandy G11
Canon 20Da
SBIG ST-i + openPHD for autoguiding

Offline georg.viehoever

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Hi David,

I think it would be technically feasible to write scripts in  a way that works both for interactive and batch operations, just as normal PI processes. Currently, you just get an error message when you try to do so ( Maybe Juan can create a suitable interface (or it already exists and we just do not know yet....).

Georg (6 inch Newton, unmodified Canon EOS40D+80D, unguided EQ5 mount)