i just used the readout cursor to measure the corona near the edge of the shadow of the moon, and yes i used a circular pixelmath equation to fill it in.
Thanks Rob, this indeed solved my problem. I used the following PixelMath expression
iif( sqrt((x()-x0)*(x()-x0) + (y()-y0)*(y()-y0)) < r, h_R/G/B , $T )
, where (x0,y0) is the center of the moon shadow, r is the radius (in pixel units) and h_R/G/B the intensity values of the R/G/B channels. After applying this PixelMath expression the HDRMultiScale trafo produced much better results. I applied LHE and Larsson-Sekanina to the stretched image (MaskedStretch) to protect the bright structures close to the sun surface.