Author Topic: The Dark Shark VdB149/VdB150/LDN1235  (Read 965 times)

Offline RickS

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The Dark Shark VdB149/VdB150/LDN1235
« on: 2017 October 19 04:25:50 »
Captured at SRO, July-Sep, 2017

Scope: Ceravolo C300 @ f/4.9 = 1470mm FL
Mount: AP1100
Camera: FLI PL16803
Filters: Astrodon
Guiding: Lodestar II / Tak guide scope
Image scale: 1.26 arcsec/pixel (Drizzled to double res)
Exposures: 45x1200s R, 38x1200s G, 39x1200s B, 81x600s L (54.16 hours)
Processing: PixInsight 1.8.5

Acquisition credit: Scott Johnson, Augusto Hernandez, John Kasianowicz, Daniele Malleo, Jose Mtanous and Rick Stevenson

Processing credit: Rick Stevenson

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Re: The Dark Shark VdB149/VdB150/LDN1235
« Reply #1 on: 2017 October 19 05:21:31 »
That's just amazing, Rick! Amount of hours is no less impressive than the equipment!
Great work!

Offline RickS

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Re: The Dark Shark VdB149/VdB150/LDN1235
« Reply #2 on: 2017 October 19 13:43:45 »
Thanks, Sergio!