Cause this feature (and realtime process priority by default) blocks pc, prevent normal work on it in time of using pix.
1. Real-time thread priority is
never used by any standard PixInsight tool. The
maximum module thread priority parameter of the Preferences process is the maximum
allowed thread priority for modules. Since you are a programmer, I'm sure you understand
this documentation entry, where
ThreadPriority::DefaultMax (a platform-dependent optimized thread priority) is explicitly recommended for all threads running in PixInsight modules. Note that in current PCL versions ThreadPriority::DefaultMax is equal to ThreadPriority::Normal on Windows. So all StarAlignment threads are running at normal priority on your machine, not real-time.
2. A moderate thread overload (a 20% in the case of StarAlignment) applied to an intensive batch process does not block a well-designed, reasonably powerful machine. It just helps taking advantage of idle I/O wait states to improve overall performance of the running tasks. Obviously SA can be a heavy process when it has to align a large number of large images, especially on machines with limited resources. This is something inherent to the task it performs.