Author Topic: Processing Examples  (Read 47807 times)

Offline JayS_CT

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Re: Processing Examples
« Reply #15 on: 2018 March 15 08:54:49 »
Perhaps not the correct thread to put this under, but can someone point me to an example of handling a single RAW (M42 in this case) process flow?  I've got through the intro to 1.8 video, have a good handle on a number of things, but still struggle with even at times whether to use PURE_RAW for the import or use the standard import for DSLR_RAW (I struggle with color rendition with the PURE_RAW).  Also, I'd like to understand multiple masking.. again using M42 entire region, there are three distinct areas that can be processed individually..

Thanks in advance for any guidance.  I have Warren Keller's book..

Jay S.