Author Topic: Photometric Color Calibration - ROI for PCC  (Read 1693 times)

Offline Herbert_W

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Photometric Color Calibration - ROI for PCC
« on: 2017 September 13 10:01:42 »
Hi Juan!

It would be a nice feature to have the possibility to restrict the calculating area in an image.
Most times the borders and corners in my images are bad - therefor I would prefer to exclude this areas from the calculation.
"Region of Interest" in the section Image Parameters could be a possible way.
Is there a chance to get it?

Best regards!
Herbert, Austria

Offline vicent_peris

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Re: Photometric Color Calibration - ROI for PCC
« Reply #1 on: 2017 September 14 17:20:30 »
Hi Herbert,

Yes, the ROI is already in our list of upcoming features for this tool and, in fact, probably will be the next update. The ROI is also needed because it can be problematic to measure color inside some extended objects. For instance, we have had problems measuring color in a picture of M31; not because PCC fails, but because M31 is a very complex object and it's difficult to do the photometry in the same way as it has been done in the star catalog. For that picture, a ROI outside the galaxy works very well.

Best regards,