Author Topic: Filter/filter names switched?  (Read 1932 times)

Offline cmarcus

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Filter/filter names switched?
« on: 2017 September 17 13:15:18 »
Call me stupid but I have a feeling either my filters are in the wrong place, or for this data set I missnamed the suffix for the filters in my picture taking software (in this case Sequence generator pro).
With reference to the attached screen shot:
The picture on the left is a very fast process of the tulip nebula with (according to my suffixes and FITS headers) HA as green, Sulfur as Blue and Oxygen as Green. (i.e. sulfur and oxygen are swapped). Image 4 is what I thought was a hubble palette, HA as green, Sulfur red and Oxygen blue) but it is "reversed" according to the hubble tulips I have seen (ie what looks blue should be the yellow colour and vice versa).  I have added the Oxygen and Sulfur channel pictures (sulfur is "Sd" and Oxygen "Od").
My first  thought is that in setting up an  SGP sequence I misalloclated the suffixes so that in fact what is labelled Sulfur is actually oxygen and vice versa.
Presumably this means that in integrating they have picked up the wrong flats, if I am correct in thinking the sulfur and oxygen are misnamed?
Incidentally, this is a remote set up so it is not straightforward to physically check....
TIA for any light shed....