ok, so.
i don't know if you were trying to run on undebayered images or not, but if so that's probably the first problem.
here is what i had to do
1) load xisf into PI
2) cosmetic correction on CFA file to get rid of hot pixels
3) debayer - i used superpixel because i can see that the stars are pretty soft and not round, so a non-interpolated file is probably better.
4) used astrometry.net's command line program to find the center coordinates of the image (Field center: (RA H:M:S, Dec D:M:S) = (05:23:31.600, -01:04:05.970), at 0.802app)
5) tried to run ImageSolver with those coordinates, but it just can't find enough stars, so
6) extracted L from the superpixel debayered RGB file, stretched it
7) ran ImageSolver with the star detection threshold set to -3 against the stretched L, ImageSolver succeeded
8 ) opened the FITS header of the stretched L file and applied it to the superpixel debayered RGB file, saved debayered RGB file
9) tried to run AperturePhotometry but found that it was designed for mono files
10) extracted R channel from superpixel debayered file, saved to disk, ran aperturephotometry OK (but i don't know anything about this so i don't know if the analysis makes sense.
here is the debayered RGB file with WCS coordinates embedded: