Version Core version , commercial license for OSX, installed this week on OSX 10.12.6.
Using pixmath expression editor
Fault: when click on ok button to close the expression editor dialogue, a console widow pops up with a segmentation fault.
I then click on the apply square and the expression executes correctly most of the time, sometimes I have to restart pixmath.
partial stack trace:
PixInsight - Critical Signal Backtrace
Signal : 11
Module : 0 PixInsight 0x0000000110c51bf2 PixInsight + 17161202
59: 1 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fffa7967b3a _sigtramp + 26
58: 2
0xc03d000000000000 0x0 + 13852228028861513728
57: 3 QtCore 0x00000001183b4ab9 _ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv + 3113
56: 4 QtWidgets 0x0000000117782dc0 _ZN11QTreeWidget13itemCollapsedEP15QTreeWidgetItem + 304
55: 5 QtCore 0x00000001183b4ab9 _ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv + 3113
54: 6 QtCore 0x0000000118341d94 _ZN19QItemSelectionModel15setCurrentIndexERK11QModelIndex6QFlagsINS_13SelectionFlagEE + 260
53: 7 QtWidgets 0x0000000117706d0b _ZN17QAbstractItemView15setCurrentIndexERK11QModelIndex + 155
52: 8 QtWidgets 0x00000001177119ac _ZN17QAbstractItemView20rowsAboutToBeRemovedERK11QModelIndexii + 1212
51: 9 QtWidgets 0x000000011775305f _ZN9QTreeView20rowsAboutToBeRemovedERK11QModelIndexii + 15
50: 10 QtCore 0x00000001183b4ab9 _ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv + 3113
49: 11 QtCore 0x0000000118445ac6