Author Topic: Eclipse image processing  (Read 2292 times)

Offline miska

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Eclipse image processing
« on: 2017 August 29 15:14:17 »
Hi !

I am surprised to not see here more threads about eclipse image processing. So here we go...

I took some bracketted images of the eclipse (using a Sony alpha 7RII + Canon 500mm f/4, on a EQ5 mount). I have a large number of bracketted shots, ranging from ~1/4000s to ~3s that I would like to combine into a "super HDR" image.

I tried with Lightroom, but it didn't work. So I thought I'd give PI a shot. I have used PI for my DSOs but processing the eclipse-series seems very different, and I don't know how to start / what the best workflow is.
So how would you proceed with the image combination, and then processing ?

On the individual frames, I already see what I want to show in the final image: red protuberances, coronal structures reaching far away from the sun, earthshine on the lunar disk... So the data seems ok. Now how to make all those features into a single image ?

To make things easier, for the moment, I don't necessarily need to increase SNR by adding several frames with the same exposure (although, it would be cool if it could be done somehow as part of the image combination process).

So how do I start ?
Feel free to share some of your eclipse shots (including how you processed them) if you wish...

Offline pfile

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Re: Eclipse image processing
« Reply #1 on: 2017 August 29 17:34:40 »
there is some discussion in this thread:
