Hi Chris (and in haste for now),
If you re-think the image as an 8-bit image, for example. This would allow you 256 discrete levels of ADU - but the range of these values can only be from 0 to 255. You can't 'get to' a value of 256, as this would require an 'extra', ninth, bit.
Well, the same goes for 'float' values (as used internally by PixInsight). Sure, we all talk about them as being from '0.000' to '1', but in fact they can never quite reach '1'.
So your experiments showed no data when you looked for pixel ADU values that equaled 1 - which would be correct. As you dropped back from 1, you started to observe the 'clipped data' that you were looking for.
I'm not in front of a PixInsight machine at the moment, so I can't remember what it is you would need to do to 'blur' your data. But, if you think purely in terms of PixelMath, you actually now have all the tools to do this yourself. Hint: Don't just make a single image from pixels detected above the 'u1' threshold. Make several images, for u1, u2, u3... then 'add these together' (not a complete solution, by the way'. Or, build a new image whose ADU values represent the difference between the original image and the upper threshold, and then scale this (by addition) such that the ADUs with the greatest difference are larger in your final image (that you will be using as a mask).
There are many ways to tackle issues like this.
Perhaps you might also want to revisit your acquisition and earlier processing phases to see if there was a sequence of steps that you performed that caused the problem in the first place - and this try an eliminate that problem 'at source'.
Good luck - and let us know how you get on.