Author Topic: asking advice about ubuntu vs Windows 10 version  (Read 2454 times)

Offline astroedo

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asking advice about ubuntu vs Windows 10 version
« on: 2017 August 19 08:31:57 »
Hi all,

I'm formatting and reinstalling my old notebook.

It is an ASUS notebook with a INTEL CORE DUO processor and 4 GB RAM + 1 GB Graphic RAM.
My main O.S. is Windows 10 64 Bit where PixInsight runs decently and I'm happy about it, but I was evaluating the idea of making a multiboot system with Ubuntu (or Xubuntu, Lubuntu that seems lighter for my old machine).

- Has someone tested Linux PI Version compared with windows version on the very same machine?
- Which system has better performances? (If one in better than the other)
- In your opinion, is my idea good or fool?
- Are there other Free Linux distributions more suitable for this job?

Thank you in advance for your help.


Offline John_Gill

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Re: asking advice about ubuntu vs Windows 10 version
« Reply #1 on: 2017 August 21 00:04:53 »

I am a big fan of Linux so I set-up a PC with SuSE and although it was fairly fast and my Windows 10 (i5 with 8 gb ram) laptop was a lttle slower.  My biggest issue was trying to find a graphics driver for SuSE so in the end I went back to Windoze ;)

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Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: asking advice about ubuntu vs Windows 10 version
« Reply #2 on: 2017 August 21 01:27:30 »
Hi Edoardo,

The primary development platform for PixInsight is Linux. This means that the PixInsight core application and all modules are first developed and tested intensively on Linux, then everything is ported to macOS and Windows and tested again on these operating systems.

The Linux version of PixInsight provides the best user experience by far. It is basically 'the perfect one'. On macOS and Windows, I cannot achieve this goal for a number of reasons that are out of my control. The main reasons include problems with some development tools (mainly Qt on macOS) and problems with inconsistencies inherent to Windows (bad graphics drivers, defective OpenGL implementations, virus 'protection', malware, system 'utility' applications, and a myriad of wrong things that make the life of a complex multiplatform application quite difficult on Windows).

It is an ASUS notebook with a INTEL CORE DUO processor and 4 GB RAM + 1 GB Graphic RAM.

PixInsight should run on this machine, but it will put everything to the very limit, especially with version 1.8.5. I strongly recommend you try to upgrade your processor and RAM. Even a Core i5 will run much faster with 8 GB of RAM.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline astroedo

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Re: asking advice about ubuntu vs Windows 10 version
« Reply #3 on: 2017 August 21 08:59:40 »
Thank you Juan for your precious information.
What do you think about UBUNTU with GNOME interface?
I've practically no experience with linux

PixInsight should run on this machine, but it will put everything to the very limit, especially with version 1.8.5. I strongly recommend you try to upgrade your processor and RAM. Even a Core i5 will run much faster with 8 GB of RAM.

Consider that this notebook is the "on the field processing" machine.
I use it only for fast processing on the field or for the workshops that I perform in northern Italy.

My processing PC is a I7 7700 with 32 GB of RAM and a SSD Hard disk.