Author Topic: I there a tutorial to step me through stacking and post processing M42  (Read 3112 times)

Offline rtemen

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I have a number of shots of Orion and I would like to learn how to stack and then post process.
All of my shots are such that the picture is all in the nebula.
Meaning, there is no black space.  Many of the tutorials that I have found so far start out with picking a darkest and lightest area to do the calibration.
But, since I have no 'empty space' in my pictures, I do not know how to proceed in processing.
Anyone know of a good tutorial for this kind of job?


Offline Geoff

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Have you tried ABE?
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Offline rtemen

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ABE is where you need to select an area that is supposed to be the closest to black like the sky.
My images have the nebula filling my pictures, so there is no area that is really 'black' like the sky around the nebula.
So I picked the 'darkest' area that I could find.
Well, after all was said an done, the resulting pictures looked pretty poor.
Since the nebula fills my picture, should ABE be skipped?

Offline John_Gill

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Have a look a Kayron's Tutorials at these tutorials cover just about everything.

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