Hi, I´m a beginner changing from DSS to PixInsight and working with an evaluation License at the Moment. I´m almost going to buy a license but I face a nasty problem with my Samsung RAW files. I don't know if it´s a bug or if I do something completely wrong here:
My problem is the de-bayering if I import my RAW files as pure RAW (as suggested by most processing tutorials).
The CFA pattern of my camera is apparently GRBG, which is shown when I import my RAWs with the "RAW Format Preferences" set to "de-Bayer RGB". When importing my RAWs like this the RGB picture looks okay. See left screenshot.
When I set the "RAW Format Preferences" to Pure RAW it´s of course imported as greyscale image. However, whenever (no matter if I load a single RAW or in a later stage as calibrated and corrected *.xisf picture) I try to de-Bayer the picture with the de-Bayer Process I always end up with false RGB colors. I tried automatic mode, I tried manually to set the CFA pattern, I even tried all other CFA patters but it´s just coming out wrong (see right screen shot, de-bayered in auto mode).
Di I something wrong here or is something just not working? This is a quite important point since I only have my Samsung NX300 for astrophotography at this moment and do not really plan to buy a new cam. I would like to completely switch to PixInsight but at the moment I need to make an extra loop with Tiff-Images to DSS...
I would be happy if there is a solution.
Best Regards,
Here are some Process Console feedbacks (don´t know if it helps):
Loading with RAW Format Preferences to de-Bayer RGB
open "/Users/naugustin/Pictures/2017/Astro/PixInsight_N-America_1min/Lights/SAM_5590.SRW"
Reading 1 file(s):
Timestamp: Sun May 28 02:23:21 2017
Camera: Samsung NX300
ISO speed: 1600
Shutter: 60.0 sec
Aperture: f/nan
Focal length: 0.0 mm
Embedded ICC profile: no
Number of raw images: 1
Thumb size: 5472 x 3648
Full size: 5546 x 3714
Image size: 5536 x 3696
Output size: 5536 x 3696
Raw colors: 3
Filter pattern: GR/BG
Daylight multipliers: 2.593356 0.946619 1.479073
Camera multipliers: 10976.000000 4096.000000 5712.000000 4096.000000
Invoking: dcraw -4 -o 0 -w -q 1
Decoding Samsung NX300 file (15874199131552x3696 pixels, ISO=1600, Exposure=60.00s): done
Loading raw image: done
Loading as Pure RAW:
open "/Users/naugustin/Pictures/2017/Astro/PixInsight_N-America_1min/Lights/SAM_5590.SRW"
Reading 1 file(s):
Timestamp: Sun May 28 02:23:21 2017
Camera: Samsung NX300
ISO speed: 1600
Shutter: 60.0 sec
Aperture: f/nan
Focal length: 0.0 mm
Embedded ICC profile: no
Number of raw images: 1
Thumb size: 5472 x 3648
Full size: 5546 x 3714
Image size: 5536 x 3696
Output size: 5536 x 3696
Raw colors: 3
Filter pattern: GR/BG
Daylight multipliers: 2.593356 0.946619 1.479073
Camera multipliers: 10976.000000 4096.000000 5712.000000 4096.000000
Invoking: dcraw -4 -o 0 -r 1 1 1 1 -D -t 0 -k 0 -H 1
Decoding Samsung NX300 file (15874199131552x3696 pixels, ISO=1600, Exposure=60.00s): done
Loading raw image: done
then de-Bayer:
Debayer: Processing view: SAM_5590
CFA pattern (detected): GRBG
VNG demosaicing: done
Noise evaluation: done
Gaussian noise estimates:
s0 = 2.573e-04, n0 = 0.3023 (MRS)
s1 = 2.663e-04, n1 = 0.2076 (MRS)
s2 = 2.759e-04, n2 = 0.2963 (MRS)
6.128 s