Author Topic: Warning: No correlation between the master dark and target frames (channel 0)  (Read 2732 times)

Offline wolfman_4_ever

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I've search the forum and google and have seen references to this issue but not my particular issue.

I get this error when using BPP on only some of my flats.  Not all of them.  I usually take 33 flats back to back to back..  During the BPP run, a few will get the No correlation error.  Again, Only a few flats will get the error.

Just wondering If I should ignore this error. The images seem to calibrate fine. 

The darks are 1800sec while the flats are 10sec (Sii3nm)



Offline vicent_peris

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Hi Dave,

Don't worry, you can ignore this warning. It simply means that the dark signal in your flats is completely insignificant compared to the signal of the flat itself. In practice, this means that there's no difference whether you subtract or not the dark from the flat. This usually happens when your flats have very short exposure (a few seconds).

Best regards,

Offline wolfman_4_ever

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I saw this post but that post makes it out that every flat was getting the error.  I only get it on 5-10 of my 33 flats.


Offline wolfman_4_ever

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  • Posts: 7
Hi Dave,

Don't worry, you can ignore this warning. It simply means that the dark signal in your flats is completely insignificant compared to the signal of the flat itself. In practice, this means that there's no difference whether you subtract or not the dark from the flat. This usually happens when your flats have very short exposure (a few seconds).

Best regards,

Hi Vicent!

How have you been?  It's been a litle bit since the class at the ranch.  I hope you do another class in the area soon.  I think I would participate again even if it's not an advanced class.

Thanks for the reply.  I also read in the forums about the signal being insignificant but was unsure since I only get the error on SOME of my flats. 

I will ignore the error since there is no issue with the master light.
